David Rockefeller said, "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." (could the recession be one of them? I don't know) Rahm Emanuel said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." (oil spill in the gulf of Mexico, hey, who knows?)
New World Order is a powerful and secretive elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through a totalitarian world government, which would replace sovereign nation states and put an end to international power struggles. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an extremely influential cabal operating through many front organizations.
One such organization is, The Bilderberg Group (some believe these are the guys responsible for Obama's presidential win). This is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. Each conference is closed to the public.
In Media, that is where they get the most influential people, give them money and create a medium that people cannot say no to e.g, Music. That is where Jay Z and Kanye west come in.
Now get this...Jacob Rothschild, the current head of the Rothschild dynasty, has intermarried with the Sinclair family, forging an important alliance between the head family of the Illuminati, and the supposed descendants of the Grail family. Jacob Rothschild is a director in the Bilderberg Group. Now you tell me. Why would the Bilderberg Group be in synch with the Illuminati?
Governments began speculating that the Illuminati survived their suppression and became the masterminds behind the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. The Illuminati were accused of attempting to secretly orchestrate a world revolution in order to globalize the most radical ideals of the Enlightenment.
Now Check out the following:
(1)...In 1989 President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet Union including the theft of the Soviet treasury, the destabilization of the ruble, funding a KGB coup against Gorbachev in August 1991 and the seizure of major energy and munitions industries in the Soviet Union. Those resources would subsequently be turned over to international bankers and corporations. On November 1, 2001, the second operative in the Bush regime, President George W. Bush, issued Executive Order 13233 on the basis of "national security" and concealed the records of past presidents, especially his father's spurious activities during 1990 and 1991. Consequently, those records are no longer accessible to the public. Why?
(2)...The Rockefeller Foundation “enthusiastically supported the concept of ‘eugenics,’ which encourages the reproductive efforts of those deemed to have ‘good’ genes, while discouraging or stopping procreation by undesirables. But Rockefeller and others were anxious to go even further to mold America’s breeding patterns along evolutionary lines.”
(3)...Under the aegis of a transnational coalition between the Saudi elite and the American elite, the Khan network would become a major supplier of weapons equipment to Iran, Libya, Malaysia, and North Korea. In summation, the nuclear proliferation witnessed during the late 20th century and the early 21st century was no accidental occurrence. Ultimately, it was by design.
While the Illuminati may not appear to be satanic, just go through the bible and you will see the exact opposite. It is written that Nations will rise against nations...America vs Middle East, A common currency among nations...The Euro in Europe, Countries will form a common alliances and even forge into one supreme nation...European Union and lately East African community. There will be wars and rumors of wars, world disasters etc. Nothing however random it may appear, is what it seems. There is always a plan. (Oil Spill, Recession, Obama's win, Global Warming, etc) And there is someone who is making sure these things are happening. Obama did not win by chance, The Bilderberg group made sure A BLACK MAN is ruling the world.......then they will create a major crisis that will look like his fault to form The New World Order. And who better to mess up but a Black Man?
America was never ready for a black President but these powerful individuals made sure that people trust in him and love him and vote for him. Remember, nothing however random it may appear, is what it seems. There is always a plan
Any Questions?
cmon be serious???? r u sua u r nt being paranoid?? obama won to prove to us that to dream is to be. blacks cant be this desparate to be acknowledged. jayz, kanye n the rest can do as they please. they r jus getin richer by the day anyway. the europeans coming 2getha if they laernt anythn afta colonisation they r mre daft than i thot. as 4 the americans they are always ignorant let them all join , i wuld care less. atleast they wunt wipe out africa by unleashing a lethal virus . n they who want a major world crisis gudluck 2 them akina osoma will do wat is needed.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever taken time to keenly listen to HOW Obama speaks? When he is being interviewed he is not as coherent as when he is reading a speech. Did you know that he never freestyles in his speeches, making him look like he speaks so well? Did you know that he actually READS his speeches and not chucking them from his head? His Autocue screens are very slim glass screens that are strategical placed all around him and even before he goes on he has rehearsed over and over again...a speech that has been written by a dude who is less than 25 years old. DID YOU KNOW THAT MOST HEADS OF STATE HAVE AN AGENDA SET FOR THEM AND WHAT THEY SAY IS A RESULT OF WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO SAY?
ReplyDeleteSweetheart, like I said, he is a model that was built up from scratch by this powerful organization and he was fashioned to look like the savior of the world...some things he promised he has never delivered.
And please do not get me wrong...I am not anti Obama, I respect and love the guy but my eyes are open and I refuse to look at things on face value.
Take time and read, you will be amazed at how far your brain can take you.
Personally many pple had high expectations with obama. Kinda lyk wit jesus.
ReplyDeleteAmericans were desprate for change and he offered them. If it is true that all this was planned frm the word 'go' then americans were played big time.
N am not an obama lover though smtms wanting to believe n see the good in pple can go along way. Yes its wat i'd lyk to call 'living in denial'.