Kenya’s representative in the Big (Bustards) Brother*** All Stars reality TV show Sheila Kwamboka shocked her fellow contestants on Tuesday night as she narrated her “strip joints” escapades. The puzzled Big Brother mates were in disbelief as she narrated how she took a friend for a birthday treat in a strip club only to have a strip teaser grab her beer.
“She gave my friend a lap dance which extended to two hours. I was in shock. When I asked to pay (for the services), she refused to take money saying they had talked. I was shocked,” she said.
Sheila Oh' Sheila, (shaking my head) Strip clubs are dirty Laundry and should not be displayed in Public. You tell other boneheads that you went to a strip club on INTERNATIONAL T.V. chick, you do not display stupidity loudly like that. That's just soooo what's the word I'm looking for? Yeah, Oh, I already said it SCHUUUUUPID!!!
***Personally I think Big Brother is the worst reality T.V. show concept ever. Sure the contestants have "fun" make new friends, travel to wherever...but most often than not, make a fool out of themselves and become famous for all the wrong reasons.
Now the VIEWERS are the ones that make me want to go shoot myself in the foot. Why, O why would anyone watch a show for three months about a group of empty heads spending endless, mindless days doing nothing but talking and playing games? What is the point for the viewer, what do I get out of it? No suspense, no entertainment, nothing but lazy bums sitting, and taking a shower in PUBLIC and for WHAT???
These KUBAFFS should get real jobs and stop embarrassing themselves on TV.
lOol kuwa mpole.
ReplyDeletei knew sheila was a lesbian (i assumed they were nasty rumours)
bt dang tokn such shit on big brother aint funny.Who even choose her to represent kenya?? jeremy was hawt , angerudi.
n same i detest big brother n almost all reality shows. jus garbage. berra watchin CNN. jus wastage of air time.