That was barely two years ago.
Fast forward to August 7th 2010, in a little land called Nakuru, in a certain country in Africa called Kenya. This former Belle made an appearance and many locals flocked the venue to have a glimpse of her. Her name is "Ray C" and this is what she looks like now.

Now when chick walked into the club that night, she had issues.
(1) She did not want any curtain raisers because it is her show and no one else was allowed on her stage.
(2) She staggered onto the floor and with her eyes blood shot and looking ish sleepy
(3) She was dressed in a manner suggesting that she waited for her cat to bring something from outside (word play) then put something together with a needle and thread and covered herself with it...and that is when she was decent.
(4) Chick went out of control when she started asking guys (men only) to come up to the podium and started dancing with them with her hands all over one guy's general. She was still decent at this point by the way.
(5) She started stripping and before the bouncers could say "haki yetu, haki yetu" twice, she was in her see through undies. Now she was indecent.
The bouncers were wide eyed until the manager of the club ordered them to pick up their jaws from the floor and get her off the stage, before he is accused of running a strip club.
You know Kenyans, we like seeing people who have gone loco (that is "crazy" in Spanish) just so we may laugh but not this time. The fully dressed Kenyans who had graced the club were disgusted, and some even turned away in shame. All this happened after she turned up late for the function, like 3 hours late. The nerve. After all that hullabaloo. she walked away saying that the management did not allow her to express herself. I wonder, whet more could she have done if the bouncers...sorry, the club manager had not intervened? Food for thought. Not.
Ray C is still in town and we are trying to get hold of her so that she may give us her side of the story. I am ready with some ammonia gas which I intend to doze all over her face should she try to stretch her hands in the vicinity of my general.
my problem with this mama is one....
i h8 bongo so yep she sucks in my books.
ana vitisho baridi kwani she thinks shes maraih carey ???
heri kulala than go 4 her show!!!