Grab your duct tape and stock up on water people, it’s about to pop off! Well…not really. I was doing my lunch hour browse in the Nat Geo website...yep I too like to be smart...and I saw an interesting article, NASA scientists say an explosion on the sun could create a violent wave of “space weather” today 3rd August 2010.
Scientists are saying a “solar tsunami” could occur today, sparking off an unprecedented display in the sky. Although it may amount to nothing more than the equivalent of fireworks(people can see them only in the northeast countries like Canada, Alaska, Siberia, Sweden,Finland and Norway, wewe mwafrika kaa hapo hapo tuu, na ungoje, kwani utafanya nini, si ni jua tuu? Baas!), it could send a major shock wave traveling through space.Now that does not sound important...until you read on.
The earth could be hit by a wave of violent space weather as early as Tuesday after a massive explosion on the sun, scientists have warned. (Eish, the sun is far, it explodes today but we will be hit by the wave on Tuesday? WOOOOOOW!!!!)
The explosion, called a coronal mass ejection, was aimed directly towards Earth, which then sent a “solar tsunami” racing 93 million miles across space.
Scientists have warned that a really big solar eruption could destroy satellites and wreck power and communications grids around the globe if it happened today.
NASA recently warned that Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space storm”.
Astronomers from all over the world witnessed the huge flare above a giant sunspot the size of the Earth, which they linked to an even larger eruption across the surface of Sun.
Basically, losing your phone service or DSTV signal are the scariest things that could happen. And for some, that would be a tragedy.
haha luks lyk sme pple were against us votin for a new katiba. atha wise y the day b4 we vote????